Interview with our CEO and Founder

Interview with Wee Leng: Visionary Leader in Business and Technology

Behind every technological innovation and business strategy are people, and empowering them is essential for success.

Wee Leng, you have nearly three decades of experience at the intersection of business and technology. Can you tell us how these experiences have shaped your approach to leadership?

Absolutely. Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand how technology has transformed industries and business environments. This has taught me the importance of agility and adaptability. It’s crucial for leaders to stay ahead of technological advancements and leverage them to drive growth. But equally important is the human element. Behind every technological innovation and business strategy are people, and empowering them is essential for success.


Your company offers Consulting, Technology, and Lifestyle services. How do these pillars integrate to support your vision and mission?

Our vision is to lead global business innovation, and our mission is to empower businesses through strategic partnerships and innovative solutions. Our consulting services provide expert guidance and hands-on execution to ensure strategies are successfully implemented. Technology services keep businesses ahead of rapid advancements, offering solutions like digital transformation and CTO as a service. Lifestyle services focus on enhancing quality of life, which is vital because the ultimate goal of any business should be to enrich human lives. Together, these pillars create a holistic approach that ensures business success and personal well-being.

You emphasise the importance of internationalisation in business growth strategy. Can you elaborate on this?

Internationalisation is unavoidable in today’s business landscape. The advent of technology has made the world smaller and competition fiercer.

Businesses need to expand beyond their local markets to remain competitive. Understanding and navigating different cultures, regulatory environments, and market dynamics are crucial. Our services are designed to help businesses not only enter new markets but thrive in them. We provide the necessary insights, strategies, and on-the-ground support to make this possible.

How does your company ensure that businesses leverage technology effectively without getting overwhelmed by its complexities?

Our philosophy is that technology should serve business objectives, not complicate them. We provide technology and business strategy consulting to align technological initiatives with business goals. Our digital transformation and automation services streamline operations and enhance productivity. By offering CTO as a service, we ensure businesses have access to top-tier technology leadership without the overhead of a full-time executive. This allows our clients to focus on their core business while we handle the complexities of technology implementation.

The human aspect seems to be a recurring theme in your approach. Can you tell us more about how you integrate this into your services?

Indeed, the human aspect is at the core of everything we do. Our consulting services don’t just stop at strategy development; we stay with our clients through execution to ensure their teams are empowered and capable. Our lifestyle services are a testament to our commitment to enhancing the quality of life. From health and wellness initiatives to luxury products and community-driven services, we aim to create meaningful experiences that enrich lives.

We believe that a motivated, capable workforce is the key ingredient to business success. Therefore, workforce performance enablement is a critical part of our technology services.

What excites you the most about the future of your company and its impact on the business world?

The rapid pace of change and the endless possibilities it brings are incredibly exciting. We are at the cusp of a new era where technology and human ingenuity can solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. I’m excited about how our integrated approach can help businesses navigate this dynamic environment, achieve their goals, and improve lives. The next decade is going to be thrilling, and I look forward to partnering with businesses to seize the opportunities ahead and drive meaningful, sustainable success.

Finally, what would you say to business leaders who are hesitant about embracing these changes?

Embracing change is no longer optional; it’s essential. The competitive nature of business today, driven by technological advancements, requires leaders to be proactive and forward-thinking. It might seem daunting, but with the right partners and strategies, it’s entirely achievable. I’d encourage business leaders to see these changes as opportunities for growth and innovation. We’re here to help them navigate this journey and ensure they come out stronger and more competitive.

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